Saturday, January 19, 2008

Horsey Limo for 2 Please

I went to the Horse World Expo in Timonium today. Most of the speakers I saw were good, I was a little disappointed in the tack shops I admit, but I am trying a new frugal thing this year so I wasn't interested anyway! I did however almost sell my soul for a horse trailer, no, LIMO for two horses with EVERYTHING. I have wanted and need a larger trailer for about 6 months now as my "baby" has since grown to almost 18 hands tall (in normal people language his back stands at 6 feet tall) so he no longer fits in a regular height trailer no no my boy needed an extra tall trailer. Slightly more pricey though they may be, I took the plunge and bought a trailer not quite limo-esque but my goodness I want to live in it!!

The trailer sales guy got a pretty good laugh when he asked if I wanted to back up to the doors and hook up to take it home... I then promptly informed him that while Zoe (my mini) if a very tough car, she is no match for an almost 3,000 lb trailer. *sigh* so alas my excitement must be contained until I can go pick up the new trailer... now I need a name. (itsa weird fetish I name all my vehicles, trailers, and bugs/bees that may get trapped in my car.) anyways just a small bout of typed out excitement fueled by buying the horse trailer of my dreams.... I have the barn and the trailer, the horse... one day I might even have my own house :0) lol I think I have a few priorities mixed up but I'm getting there!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing

I was allowing my mind to simply wander today while we had a slow afternoon at work. While day dreaming and thinking of goals and dreams for the future it hit me like a ton of bricks. People today, and not only young people (this is not a stereo type kind of thing) just people in general seem to have lost their knowledge of the value of things. Price tags, status symbols, you name it we all have on super speed recovery but knowing the true value of things seems a thing of the past.

Time is money to alot of people and in many instances there is truth there, yet time is priceless. How can we put a price tag on time spent with family, baking cookies with grandma or learning to sew with my mom. I re-thought everything I've done in life, and the stark cold truth of all my failures washed over me like ice water, but ya know there are so many valuable, cherished moments in my life where I did the right thing or where I spent now treasured time with family and friends.

I am determined from here on out to try to live a life based on value, the value of life and not the price at which things are marked. Physical possessions are nice I admit I'm spoiled, but I can't take them with me and above all else family, friends and reaching out to others is what really give life VALUE and makes everything worth while.

It's that smile that's returned by a perfect stranger just because I smiled at them first. It's the way others will feel true surprise and delight when offered even a tiny kindness. While I know I'll have my selfish moments because I always do, I'm striving to do better, give more and help others as much as I can. I hope to truly understand the VALUE of life.