Friday, September 28, 2007

I Wanna Be a Princess TOO!!!

This morning while enjoying my cup of "get yourself together b4 work latte" (Starbucks) I watched as the most elegant being I have ever seen got out of her car in walked into the Starbucks. This girl had the most beautiful ebony skin I have ever seen! She was flawless, tall, walked with sense of pride and dignity that you don't see in people from around here. While her clothing was not designer quality, nor her hair done any special way, she was gorgeous. I felt (for a moment) a desire to be like her. I want to be able to get out of my car and turn heads. I swear this girl looked like a princess, she could make a canvas potato sack look good. The only thing I can say didn't look quite right, was that she was here... She looked like she belonged in some beautiful city setting or in front of a mansion. On her way out, she stopped and talked to me and it was so funny because she thought I was adorable and I without a sense of embarrassment admitted that I thought she was one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen. I know part of it was her physical appearance, but she was also friendly and intelligent and the way she carried herself made her perfect. I want to be like that... Only thing, I need to grow about 6 or so inches to be anywhere near her height. Plus then I really would look anorexic lol. *sigh* oh for the life of a princess.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Caffeine and Tranquilizers

An odd pair, perhaps... Yet they are exactly what I need, a good, strong cup of coffee and a couple tranquilizer darts.

While the coffee is for me, the tranquilizers are for the infuriating little man who was sitting before me just moments ago. Try as me might he could not manipulate me into saying something about his insurance that is not true. He wanted me to tell him that he did not have to maintain the coverage on his home that his mortgage company required of him.

It occurred to me rather abruptly that people like him take out mortgages every day, I now have a HUGE respect and sympathy for those in the lending business of any kind. This man was redundant and infuriating, a combination that would make anyone tired of his nonsense in five minutes.

Half an hour after he walked into my office I informed him that was he was inquiring about was an issue for his MORTGAGE COMPANY not his insurance agent and as such I was advising he give the MORTGAGE COMPANY a call. I also informed his not once, not twice but 8 times that upon taking our a mortgage he agreed the day he signed on the dotted lines to uphold all of the MORTGAGE COMPANY'S requirements. This infuriated the little gremlin, and I was slowly losing my patience.

I finally informed him that I could not help him, he needed to contact his mortgage company and then get back to us on the amount of coverage needed. End of conversation and I moved on to answering my phone which had been ringing off the hook since the tyrant walked in the door.

I only experience dealings with fools such as him when I am the only agent in the building and don't have the time for his ignorant rantings. Ugh, I just wanted to kick him out from the first moment he opened his mouth. He didn't talk to me he shouted at me. I hate that. What makes anyone think that someone is going to WANT to help them when they are rude and ignorant. It would be like me tearing someone down emotionally and then demanding their assistance... Ya not exactly a realistic expectation is it. *sigh*

This is wear a steaming cup of coffee and a poofy chair would be just wonderful. What a morning.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Round and round we go

I love it when people call my office and want "help." They insist on askng a million redundant questions yet never shut up long enough for an answer. Or when they do give you half a second to answer, they are so busy thinking of another question they make you repeat what you've just said a couple more times "for their own edification." I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a woman today explaining what coverages she has and what that entails. 45 MINUTES to give a 10 second overall presentation of her policy. AHHH!! What I don't understand is, if a person is ignorant to the way something works, wouldn't they want to LISTEN and LEARN?

Apparently not as the very same woman called not an hour later wanting to know what I had just explained to her a short period of time earlier. Not only that, when I answer the phone I state the agency name, AND my name. You know she kept telling me she had "previously discussed this with suchansuch" and she wasn't sure who was right.

I finally was like "I AM SUCHANSUCH" (after saying my name several times and her still not having the little light bulb go on) and YES this is EXACTLY WHAT I REVIEWED WITH YOU DURING YOUR PREVIOUS CALL.

Sometimes, I wonder. I think my dog a more competent being than some of the people I deal with and not just at work, in LIFE. Alas, it's my job and I like it. It's just now and then when some stubble bum who really doesn't care (otherwise they'd listen and learn and remember) just wants to waste my already non-existent time with such frivolous and redundant nonsense. *sigh* ah for the love of work.

Monday, September 24, 2007

An Autumn to Behold

It's finally here, that breath-takingly beautiful season we all know and love! Autumn, when the leaves portray their magnificent and vibrant colors in all their silent glory. The season that brings about all the wonderous fall treasures, crispy apples, pumpkins and gourds, brisk mornings and warm afternoons decorated with some of the most lavish colors known to man spanning every field, yard and highway. I welcome our fall season with open arms and a joyous heart!

why the government wants to run the world, why it shouldn't

I read an article this morning about the State of MD possibly enforcing a class that potential pet owners must take before they are permitted to own a pet. Although on one hand I can see the need for a class to educate people on what owning a pet entails, I can't see it being a requirement.

While yes, the majority of our population here on the Eastern Shore is rather intelligence challenged, I don't think there should be class set up & required before someone can own a pet.

Perhaps a system set up where upon an owner's or pet's first offense the owner be required to pay a fine and take a class, and upon the second offense have the animal placed in another home or put down.

I have heard horror stories of people who own animals and have left them with wounds because they just "thought it would heal on it's own," wounds that would make you sick, like a puppy who's eye was hanging out of socket that's now blind due to the owner waiting a day to take it to a vet. Or a horse living off it's barn because the owner didnt realize the horse couldn't survive off just the stubs of grass in an 8 ft dog run.

The sheer stupidity I have witnessed first hand and heard from others is enough to make me sick. Where do you think a country is headed when people don't have the heart or the sense to take care of their pets, helpless animals who love unconditionally?

With the stupidity some people present to the ownership of animals, or better yet their children, it does tend to make one ponder what would come of allowing the government step in, but then again I don't want a world where the government runs every aspect of our lives, then it ceases to be a free country.

Although it does tend to make one worry when a person doesn't have the sense to look after an animal how on earth they can have a child. But if America starts mandating what we can and can not have when it comes to pets and children... Well that would make us China, and even China is working to change their regulation of children in China. *sigh* I do believe our once great country is sliding down a slippery slope to an unforetold despair.