Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Round and round we go

I love it when people call my office and want "help." They insist on askng a million redundant questions yet never shut up long enough for an answer. Or when they do give you half a second to answer, they are so busy thinking of another question they make you repeat what you've just said a couple more times "for their own edification." I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a woman today explaining what coverages she has and what that entails. 45 MINUTES to give a 10 second overall presentation of her policy. AHHH!! What I don't understand is, if a person is ignorant to the way something works, wouldn't they want to LISTEN and LEARN?

Apparently not as the very same woman called not an hour later wanting to know what I had just explained to her a short period of time earlier. Not only that, when I answer the phone I state the agency name, AND my name. You know she kept telling me she had "previously discussed this with suchansuch" and she wasn't sure who was right.

I finally was like "I AM SUCHANSUCH" (after saying my name several times and her still not having the little light bulb go on) and YES this is EXACTLY WHAT I REVIEWED WITH YOU DURING YOUR PREVIOUS CALL.

Sometimes, I wonder. I think my dog a more competent being than some of the people I deal with and not just at work, in LIFE. Alas, it's my job and I like it. It's just now and then when some stubble bum who really doesn't care (otherwise they'd listen and learn and remember) just wants to waste my already non-existent time with such frivolous and redundant nonsense. *sigh* ah for the love of work.

1 comment:

Retro Girl said...

I feel your pain...I was an insurance agent for about 18 years...while I loved some of my clients...some drove me nuts..I used to wonder how they got themselves up, dressed and to work every day on their own. LOL. *Shaking my head* People...