Thursday, March 24, 2011

And So I start Again

3 years since my last post.... It's been a trying few years. I've sadly neglected my blog for far too long. I was in a dark place for quite some time and not in a place to share my story. Finally free of an abusive relationship, 4 states and 400 miles away with a fresh start and happier than I have been in a long time. I do believe it's a good time to start blogging again.

1 comment:

Retro Girl said...

*hugs* Good to see you back. Sorry you had to go thru such hell to get here my friend. Thank you for remembering me and sending me a message. So much has happened since you've been away! We adopted a little boy from S. Korea...and No, I don't have my beloved MINI anymore (Sob! lol) I traded it in for a small SUV...(and regret it!! As soon as we are done with carseats, I'm getting a new one!! He's almost 3!) I quit work for a year to adjust to mommyhood...and now have been working almost a year again. My blog went another direction but lately haven't had as much time but hoping to get back to it as my schedule calms down here soon. I've been in/out of dark times myself, with some post-adoption blues, but am fighting to come out at the other end, smiling. *hugs* Hope to see/hear more from you soon!