Thursday, September 27, 2007

Caffeine and Tranquilizers

An odd pair, perhaps... Yet they are exactly what I need, a good, strong cup of coffee and a couple tranquilizer darts.

While the coffee is for me, the tranquilizers are for the infuriating little man who was sitting before me just moments ago. Try as me might he could not manipulate me into saying something about his insurance that is not true. He wanted me to tell him that he did not have to maintain the coverage on his home that his mortgage company required of him.

It occurred to me rather abruptly that people like him take out mortgages every day, I now have a HUGE respect and sympathy for those in the lending business of any kind. This man was redundant and infuriating, a combination that would make anyone tired of his nonsense in five minutes.

Half an hour after he walked into my office I informed him that was he was inquiring about was an issue for his MORTGAGE COMPANY not his insurance agent and as such I was advising he give the MORTGAGE COMPANY a call. I also informed his not once, not twice but 8 times that upon taking our a mortgage he agreed the day he signed on the dotted lines to uphold all of the MORTGAGE COMPANY'S requirements. This infuriated the little gremlin, and I was slowly losing my patience.

I finally informed him that I could not help him, he needed to contact his mortgage company and then get back to us on the amount of coverage needed. End of conversation and I moved on to answering my phone which had been ringing off the hook since the tyrant walked in the door.

I only experience dealings with fools such as him when I am the only agent in the building and don't have the time for his ignorant rantings. Ugh, I just wanted to kick him out from the first moment he opened his mouth. He didn't talk to me he shouted at me. I hate that. What makes anyone think that someone is going to WANT to help them when they are rude and ignorant. It would be like me tearing someone down emotionally and then demanding their assistance... Ya not exactly a realistic expectation is it. *sigh*

This is wear a steaming cup of coffee and a poofy chair would be just wonderful. What a morning.

1 comment:

Lucas said...

haha, I'm so glad that I don't have to deal in the public in that sense. Most of the people I talk to are so happy to be talking to me. The complaints and difficult issues are in an entirely different area! YESSSS.