Friday, September 28, 2007

I Wanna Be a Princess TOO!!!

This morning while enjoying my cup of "get yourself together b4 work latte" (Starbucks) I watched as the most elegant being I have ever seen got out of her car in walked into the Starbucks. This girl had the most beautiful ebony skin I have ever seen! She was flawless, tall, walked with sense of pride and dignity that you don't see in people from around here. While her clothing was not designer quality, nor her hair done any special way, she was gorgeous. I felt (for a moment) a desire to be like her. I want to be able to get out of my car and turn heads. I swear this girl looked like a princess, she could make a canvas potato sack look good. The only thing I can say didn't look quite right, was that she was here... She looked like she belonged in some beautiful city setting or in front of a mansion. On her way out, she stopped and talked to me and it was so funny because she thought I was adorable and I without a sense of embarrassment admitted that I thought she was one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen. I know part of it was her physical appearance, but she was also friendly and intelligent and the way she carried herself made her perfect. I want to be like that... Only thing, I need to grow about 6 or so inches to be anywhere near her height. Plus then I really would look anorexic lol. *sigh* oh for the life of a princess.


Retro Girl said...

Beauty and sexiness is a state of mind...I truly believe that. Confidence is the most beautiful quality that people can have. If you hold your head high, smile and feel good---you will look beautiful! :-)

Thanks for visiting me! I'm gonna check out that supplement you advised...

Unknown said...

Oh good, I hope it helps. It helps more the longer you take it (like a vitamin)

Lord Chimmy said...

Retro girl is right...confidence is the key. Have you seen that show The Pick Up Artist? I just saw it for the first time this week. And, while I find the characters quite laughable (including the wannabe Tommy Lee "master pick up artist") and their methods lame they are right about one confident.

Lucas said...

blast, I work with a girl like that. We are very close friends, but she came into work today in a green sweater, jeans, runners, a pony tail and no makeup and had been throwing up since Friday and still looked stunning. How are people like this?!