Monday, September 24, 2007

why the government wants to run the world, why it shouldn't

I read an article this morning about the State of MD possibly enforcing a class that potential pet owners must take before they are permitted to own a pet. Although on one hand I can see the need for a class to educate people on what owning a pet entails, I can't see it being a requirement.

While yes, the majority of our population here on the Eastern Shore is rather intelligence challenged, I don't think there should be class set up & required before someone can own a pet.

Perhaps a system set up where upon an owner's or pet's first offense the owner be required to pay a fine and take a class, and upon the second offense have the animal placed in another home or put down.

I have heard horror stories of people who own animals and have left them with wounds because they just "thought it would heal on it's own," wounds that would make you sick, like a puppy who's eye was hanging out of socket that's now blind due to the owner waiting a day to take it to a vet. Or a horse living off it's barn because the owner didnt realize the horse couldn't survive off just the stubs of grass in an 8 ft dog run.

The sheer stupidity I have witnessed first hand and heard from others is enough to make me sick. Where do you think a country is headed when people don't have the heart or the sense to take care of their pets, helpless animals who love unconditionally?

With the stupidity some people present to the ownership of animals, or better yet their children, it does tend to make one ponder what would come of allowing the government step in, but then again I don't want a world where the government runs every aspect of our lives, then it ceases to be a free country.

Although it does tend to make one worry when a person doesn't have the sense to look after an animal how on earth they can have a child. But if America starts mandating what we can and can not have when it comes to pets and children... Well that would make us China, and even China is working to change their regulation of children in China. *sigh* I do believe our once great country is sliding down a slippery slope to an unforetold despair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.