Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Because This Is America That's Why

I had this spanish gentleman call into my office today. He was rude, and very ignorant because I informed him I do not speak spanish. He wanted to know "WHY YOU NOT SPEAK SPANISH." Rather than reply (because every fiber of my being wanted to shout, "BECAUSE THIS IS AMERICA THAT'S WHY!!) I just changed the subject towards how I could help him. However, he refused to get off the subject of why I do not cater to him and "his people" by learning their language. (at this point its running through my mind how "why would you want me to learn your language, then you would lose out on the fun you and your people have insulting Americans in your language so we don't understand! not to mention they don't speak English in "their country" for American who visit, the Americans have to learn spanish") I was losing patience (of course he did not know that) I remained jovial and polite and simply stated that I was again sorry but I do not speak spanish and perhaps he could call back with an interpreter? He was a tad ticked off at that statement, but ya know what! When I moved here, I had to start speaking English 24/7, I had to relearn how to spell alot of words because I spelled in french but guess what, my parents decided we were moving here and so I learned what was required of me, the country did not cater to me so I don't feel the need to cater to people too lazy to learn English. Sorry! Is that spiteful? I don't think so, ARG!! I digress, this was my, "I'm sick and still at work cuz I'm disgustingly loyal and wonder why I even got out of bed because of people like HIM," rant for the day, I'll retire my soap box and return to my vegitative state.


Lucas said...

Yeah. I'm so glad I don't deal with difficult people all day, but I DID have a lady today who was unhappy with me, PERSONALLY, because SHE showed up for the wrong appointment and nobody could help her. I hate when emotions run high (ie-Christmas at a non profit) and people seem to be swimming upstream to what the rest of society is doing.

Vixen said...

You are SO right. I'm sure it was hard to bite your tongue. If you live in the great USofA the primary language is English and I think everyone should know it. Though being born here I will say it's sad that the most of any other language I know was 2 years in high school and 2 semesters in College and now I can say a few words in German and Spanish.

Though if I moved somewhere and had to learn another language I would understand why it is important. But that's why I'm lazy and not leaving the states. LOL :)

Great blog you have here! I LOVE your header picture! Found my way over from Chimmy.