Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's That Time Again

Furious driving, animalistic shopping, screaming, shoving, hitting, fighting. Nightmares of old lady's armed with shopping carts and big purses torture my dreams of what should be fun holiday shopping.

Fruitcake drivers in SUVs (or really anything larger than my Mini lol) haunt my trek to and from work. What is it about this supposedly joyous time of year that brings out such vicious sides of people? With 33 more days until Christmas I have now become the most devout online shopper of anyone I know.

While people will be up and out in the cold before the sun, I will be snuggled up in a blanket on my couch with a cup of steamy caffeinated goodness and my laptop before braving the roads to work. While they run frantically down isle after isle ready to pounce on anyone/anything that may hinder their ravenous shopping I simply point my mouse and become one click closer to my final Christmas purchase.

The very idea of "Black Friday" sends shivers down my spine, a childhood memory of being practically run down by an old lady pushing a shopping cart. My mother had to fight the old woman back so I could get my foot out from under her cart. I was scarred for life and as result have not been out to shop on a black Friday since I was 6 years of age.

Black Friday will be my day to safely hide behind my desk at work and hope beyond hope that anyone who calls or comes in may be either naturally happy or on Prozac :0) Just another year I wish people would truly come to see what the real meaning and purpose of these holidays are.

Here's to another season of people who already have more than they need, fighting over what they want, when there are so many who can barely survive. Certainly makes me feel selfish and more privileged that I could ever deserve. *sigh* It's that time again. Pass the Advil - please!


Retro Girl said...

I try not to go near malls or major shopping developments (Retail Hell) from like Nov 25 through Feb 1st unless I absolutely have to...I hate the traffic, crowds, and rude irritating people! :-\

I agree...too many people spending $ they don't have...on stuff nobody wants/needs...and racking up bills they can't afford. Everyone forgets what Christmas is and should be all can really put a damper on the holidays....

Unknown said...

here here!! I can't believe how hateful people get when this is suppose to be the season of love and people realizing how blessed they are with friends and family not with junk and stuff.

Lucas said...

You don't get that day off? That's what Boxing Day is like in Canada and we get THAT day off. Man, the smart thing to do if you REALLY NEED THE BARGAIN on something is to buy it online. So many places like Victoria's Secret, Best Buy etc have the same sales online.

Retro Girl said...

Pssst....Hope you are staying warm, and had a great weekend!