Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Hostile Take Over

They are everywhere... I can't get away! At my every turn there THEY are sizing me up, contemplating my next move, and then.... AAAAAHHHHH at least a half of a dozen lady bugs fall on me, my desk, EVERYWHERE from the ceilling/light fixtures. as if I didn't have enough of them on my desk, my computer, phone and every other surface now they were planning air attacks! I am one of THOSE girls who can handle dirt, I own horses so there are the not so pretty spects of clean up there, but bugs... ya I can't handle bugs of any variety. I caught a lady bug crawling on my hand and had to stifle an involuntary squeek. I DO NOT LIKE BUGS. Funny when you consider how many are around in a horse barn, but I none the less am just terrified of bugs, even butter flies kind of creep me out - sure their wings are pretty but look closely at what those wings are attached too!!! needless to say I, am ready for another attack from the lady bugs and I will happily escort them outside! I still have to figure out where on earth they are coming from. They're cute so long as they don't TOUCH me, so I'll turn them lose so insecticide or anything but still they better not be getting anymore fall on Penelope ideas or I might have to break out the big guns!!


Retro Girl said...

I hate those things!! ewww. If they're the ones I'm thinking you're seeing, They're actually a variety of japanese beetle that looks like a ladybug (imposters!)...and they bite! One of those suckers bit my leg and I had a little red welt for a couple weeks!

I garden with bare feet and no gloves sometimes because I love the earth..the scent and the feel of the'd think I wouldn't mind bugs...but they make my skin crawl!

Unknown said...

Exactly! they are tad large and not quick true red lady bugs and they are everywhere!! I didn't know they bite tho! I'll have to watch out!