Monday, December 10, 2007

Delinquent Blogger

I have a confession to make... I have been a delinquent blogger. When times get busy or a teeniest bit tough I have bailed on my blog like a cockroach when the lights come on. I am ashamed, delinquent and about to rectify that situation. With school finals all this week, baking Christmas cookies till I wanted to send charred lumps to all my relatives and friends out of frustration, and frantic shopping, decorating and the pressure of sweating excellence I am slowly but surely making progress in trudging through this holiday season. Alas, they closer it gets to Christmas, the more excited I get about giving my carefully selected gifts to my family, but I get more agitated, edgy and just wish it was over a little faster. *sigh* ah the whoas of such a supposedly glorious season.

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