Monday, November 12, 2007

Road Rage... is...... fun?

Ok, i drive fast. I admit, I LOVE to speed around in my "street legal go-cart" as my Mini has come to be known. however, fast does not = rage infused road hazard. I speed yes, I do not tail gate, swirve at people, brake check, or whatever else crazy road rage peopl do. BUT!! This weekend, I had enough a a stupid college aged jerk who found it fun to go 15 miles under the speed limit in the fast lane (moving road block basically) so no on could pass anywhere and break check anyone who dared get close or flick lights at him. Well he tried brake checking me (twice) as he had several other vehicles only sad for him I was never close enough for it to affect me in anyway :0) (i flicked my lights at him once for about 2seconds so he braked hard). Lol, so I finally get around him and he put his high beams on behind me and left them on. I touched my brake peddle only enough for the lights to flash and then continued on my merry way, well Mr. Jerk came barrelling up behind me in response to my light flash I guess thinking he would intimidated me... Asshole in Lexus - meet rear end of Mini!!! I slammed my breaks on and went from 60 to 30 and HE went into the grassy median. hehehe. I know I shouldn't find it funny, and I really am NOT an aggressive driver, on the contrary I like speed, but I am usually the car who always tries to get out of the way and mind my business. I guess jerks like Mr. Lexus can get to anyone after a while. It still brings me a smile to think he probably had to completely scour his undercarriage to get rid of the mudd, leaves, grass, etc that lives in our medians. hehe hopefully he won't mess with anyone anymore, especially mini coopers :0) I don't think I'll be making a habit of being a jerk back to the crazy drivers, but just this once.... It was hilarious!


Lord Chimmy said...

I drive fast as well.

But, the biggest problem I have with most other drivers is their HORRIBLE reaction time. The light goes from RED to GREEN, and I'm a football field ahead of the pack before the next person starts moving?! What the hell is that all about.

Pay attention people! I'm looking at the whole field and everyone else is focused on just the nitwit in front of them.

Retro Girl said...

I hate rude aggressive harrassing drivers! I drive a Mini as well, and I get absolutely pissed when someone in a huge Bubba-truck or land-yacht SUV rides my bumper when I'm already exceeding the speed limit...especially on the country roads here, where it is LEGAL TO PASS - they absolutely will not go around - given they feel 100 mph is appropriate in a 45 mph zone....they just hover back there, like a major-ass-klingon. Frustrating!!!

I had someone like your Lexus friend once...made her spill her Starbucks all over herself LOL...I hope she and your pal think next time....

Unknown said...

My Dear Chim, I have that same pet peeve. Why do people sit at a light when it's BEEN green... I figure maybe they are waiting for a sign from God. lol usually they just get a sign from someone's hand though (not mine tho - imma good girl!)

Retro - I hate those Ubertrucks who try to initmidate me in my Mini. Any the jerks who can pass at any time but refuse, ESPECIALLY since I drive plenty fast already... Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to go no where and put others at risk for it - hopefully Mr. Lexus Jerk and Ms. Starbucks bathed have a new way of thinking, I'm pretty sure Mr. Lexus drove home with a little extra in his pants :0) the funny thing is, I've NEVER done anything like that before I speed but I'm timid lol go figure!