Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama

I thought that mess died off as we get older. My boss as pure evidence... it does not. He was on his cell phone for at least 80% of the day going back and forth on a "he said, she said" rant from a comment made at a party he went to this weekend. Someone said something negative about someone else (imagine that) and he didn't like it and felt compelled to announce that to any within earshot. (apparently the need to do so carried over into today and whomever happened to be on the other end of the cell phone)

Amidst his heated rants and ravings I was swamped, over-loaded, chained to my desk and about to pull my hair out from the stress and insane amount of work piling up around me. You see we are a small agency. Consisting of two agents. Owner and personal slave/only other agent (that would be me).

While being a small agency can be nice and personable (the secretaries are great! and we're all like family), it can also be a tad hair raising when things get hectic and I'm the only one on track to get things done. *sigh* slaving my way up the corporate ladder amidst the drama and turmoil.


Retro Girl said...

I once worked at an agency that was 3 people...the boss, myself and one other gal. He was gone all the time (either on appointments, or running personal errands, going home, etc) and she sat on the phone arguing with her loser boyfriend and loser soon-to-be ex...and I did all the work. That can be so frustrating!

Unknown said...

ahaha, you just described my situation perfectly! There are 3 of us, on occassion 4 but that's just when the boss's wife decides to come in as a secretary. I am the only licensed staff besides the owner and he likes to shoot the poo :0) It gets kinda frustrating especially because I have been writing here for months and have yet to see any commission. *sigh* so I basically write for the owner literally and get paid hourly. sometimes life/job/circustances stink.