Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Past

After helping an elderly woman who was struggling with her cart, contents and the loading of them into her vehicle I was surprised to hear - "I didn't think there were any kind, helpful youth in the world anymore. Thank you."

My heart swelled, ok so maybe it was my pride. but not pride in myself, pride in my parents for teaching my to respect my elders and to accomodate them whenever possible. I'm proud to say I was raised right. And this year more than ever I find myself going out of my way to help the elderly as I miss my grandparents to very much.

So many young people don't even realize the treasure they have in their lives to have grandparents. I haven't had a grandparent since I was 12 years of age. I miss baking cookies with my mom-mom (it'sa southern thing I hadn't heard of it either til we moved to The States) I miss bundling up when we went to visit my grandma in Canada for Christmas. Sledding in the front yard, making her furious for tracking snow onto her always freshly cleaned kitchen floor.

I miss my pop-pop (American) always getting so excited about his funny little trinkets he would collect all year just to see my eyes light up when he's pull them from behind his back. I miss hearing my mom-mom get on his case for not saving his treasures until Christmas day (I think that's where I got not being able to wait to give gifts from!). Singing Christmas carols that I barely remember the words to now, listening to stories of my grandparents' childhood Christmas' and how different life is now. I miss making snow angels, and laughing while shivering in the cold only to rush inside and sit by the woodstove until my cheeks are bright red. Helping my oldest brother shove my middle brother down slippery slopes covered with snow and ice... ya sibling violence - sniff sniff good times.

There is so much I miss from my Christmas' past. It brings a sadness to my Christmas present when I remember so many good times past and know that those beloved people will never touch our holidays again. I wouldn't necessarily call it Hum-Bug-itis but I am definitely not feeling overly joyous this season and I can't seem to shake it...
Maybe it was the woman who ran me down in the store with her cart yesterday... hmmm


Retro Girl said...

That was really nice to help that lady! I'm sure she really appreciated it. I miss my grandma so much too. We lost her to cancer about 5 years ago (I can't believe it's gone by that fast)...
Hope my whiny xmas-and-otherwise-blues post didn't bum you out further. I really loved your are so sweet. My email is

Unknown said...

Not at all! I was just glad I could send a little smile your way! :0)