Monday, October 1, 2007

Oh ya, It's fake... It's still WARM

So I go to a local pool hall with some friends (who despite my horrid past performances are DETERMINED that I CAN and WILL play pool). Because pool halls and alcohol (bars) usually go hand in hand (imagine that) they of course carded us all at the door.

Now I long since grown use to the bouncers making me recite every bit of info on my license, AND them sticking it in the little machine to verify that my ID is indeed REAL. But this time, THIS TIME was VERY interesting. After spending about 10 minutes reciting all my info and passing the license in machine test I was finally permitted to join my friends at the pool table. I don't think 10 minutes went by and our waitress demanded to see my license again, amidst the groans of protest and statements that I HAD TO GIVE IT TO THE BOUNCER JUST TO GET IN...

I handed the girl my license at which point I had to re-recite every tid bit of info on my license for the 2nd time and mid license # she stops me and says: "Look, I don't know what you think are you pulling here, this license it fake... It's still warm!" At this point I started laughing hysterically and pointed out that I had been stowing it in my back pocket, of COURSE it was warm, I might not have much fat but my butt is like a space heater!!

You know she was going to make me leave!! I just happen to know the owner/manager who came up to say hi and after being quickly briefed on the situation told the waitress I was good and to serve whatever "on the house" for the trouble.

I felt kind of bad for the waitress and actually stuck up for her by stating that she was only protecting the owner's best interest because she suspected me underage. The owner just kind of laughed, but I was serious. I didnt want the waitress to get in trouble or have to pay for the "on the house" rounds as punishment for doing her job. So when we left, I gave her a $50 tip to make sure she was covered if she had to pay the "on the house" rounds and if not; maybe, just maybe she'll remember me next time and not give me such a hard time :0)


Lucas said...

HA! Even I have never had that issue, but here the age is 18, so you have to look REAAAAAAAAAALLY young for them to protest too strongly.

I love how she thought you had brought it STRAIGHT from the counterfeit-license office and handed it to her.

I haven't had anyone comment on how young I look in a while until our event on Saturday where a new staff member realized it was my boss and I who put the whole thing together and was like "WHAT? What education do you have? You look 19!" Gee. Good times.

Lord Chimmy said...
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Lord Chimmy said...

Even back in the day (when I actually had a fake ID) I didn't go through such a hassle. These days I'm only mildly annoyed when people think I'm underage. Because, hey I'm 33, so if you think I'm underage then you're not looking at me close enough. You don't get my weary look in your eyes until your well past your mid-twenties.