Monday, October 8, 2007

Bad Vibe Mentoring

So tomorrow I officially begin the child mentoring program. I have to admit I'm a little nervous! So far I have gotten some rather unusual vibes because this has been my experience so far:

I email the organization to find out more about mentoring, I receive a response. "Dear such and such it appears you are in DE..... WE service the lower shore of MD.... You MAY want to try the Dover chapter." My response, " Oh, well that's fantastic since I live on the lower shore of MD, (when I said what city it does span the Mason Dixon line so she was not only rude but foolish for assuming). I again requested additional information. That particular person... NEVER got back to me.
I send another request, at which time the Baltimore chapter contacts me. So I respond:
"I'm sorry I am several hours away from your chapter, I was hoping to volunteer for my local chapter." At which point the girl gets rather rude and says she will set up a meeting time for me with my local chapter. At this point I inform her that I work in DE but live in MD and I work until 5pm so it needs to be after that time with leave way for travel time.

That woman calls me telling me I have an appointment for 5 pm. at a location that's almost 45 minutes from where I work. I was like "uh, scuze me... I said I work until 5 so obviously I can't be ANYWHERE right at 5 let alone somewhere in MD. Is there anyway, I can get a meeting for 6pm?

This girl was furious! She went off on hateful torrents of "YOU told ME that YOU work until 5!" I just calmly responded with: "Yes, I did tell you that I work until 5, I also said that I work in DE and the chapter I need to be at is in MD. I did not realize there was a misunderstanding there. I apologize that you did not realize that since I work until 5 I couldn't be anywhere AT 5. So she blurts out some disdainful things about I should have been more specific, etc. etc. and says how she will "TRY" to get a later appointment.

Makes me wonder if I really want to volunteer for these people.


Lord Chimmy said...

Mentoring is a good idea. The people that run the mentoring program are just lazy asshats.

Retro Girl said...

The program sounds like an amazing wonderful thing....just a bunch of idiots working there. Hey that last gal you talked to should meet the art-store man I dealt with last week--they're perfect (and perfectly miserable sots) for each other! lol

Unknown said...

Dearest Chimmy, lol, thanks for the laugh. Now when Ihave my meeting I am going to think of your comment have to suppress my giggles :0)

Retro Girl, let me guess you had the pleasure of dealing with an ignorant old miser who couldn't comprehend what you wanted?? Have to love those people... It temps me to pinch cheeks and ask the person if "someone needs a hug?" just to tick them off ;0)