Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Is It Just Me

OK, here's another horse horror story (I rescinded on the other horse) the second horse (not mine selling for someone else) I sell the horse and it's agreed verbally that the price is $3000. so Saturday they give me what is supposed to be the final payment and they are $500 short. (not only that when initially taking the horse they wanted a 2 week trial, I agreed, then they didn't want it they were certain she was "the horse" until I get the horse there and then they change their minds and again want the 2 week trial and I had already set up for that weekend another person to look at the horse) I call to ask what's up and the woman has some excuse and then "has to call me right back" ya so it's now Wednesday she didn't call me back, and didn't answer my call. I am so @#%$^&$ SICK of fighting for what is rightfully mine! WTF!! why is it that I go out of my way to help people and they screw me over right and left! I trailered the horse almost an hour away for these people for not so much as even gas money, I GAVE them her winter blanket and her bridle (because they know absolutely nothing and wouldn't know how to measure for that stuff) I have told them everything they need to know about basic care, and THIS is how they treat me! I am just SICK TO DEATH of the BS! So tonight I will stop by the barn where they have the horse, leave her papers, tell them to find someone else to teach their daughter, pick up my tack that I have allowed them to use (since they didnt have their own yet) and wish them luck. (part of me wants to storm in their and say "what the hell I'm an independently wealth college student going through a divorce but hey I'm sure you totally need the money more than me you know to pay for your Cadillac or your jag!") but I won't I'll just walk away screwed over yet again. *sigh* sometimes I just get so discouraged. I try so hard to do what is right and be kind and helpful and I just always seem to get taken advantage of for it... *tears*


Lord Chimmy said...

It is easy to get discouraged with people. Especially when it comes to business dealings. I'm all for Mafia don't pay or lose contact? That's some broken legs.

Retro Girl said...

That woman sounds of those people who are totally rude, selfish and annoying...but literally fly through life by the seat of their pants, and don't realize how they make people want to slap them silly! Sorry you have to deal with these asses! Sorry to hear you've been so sick, too.

Maybe next time have a document/contract drawn up - stating the terms of the sale, transport, what comes with the horse...and what will NOT happen...and make them sign it. Be firm and clear up front, and if they don't do as told - don't turn the animal over.